S. Taskan


Discussion is one of active teaching methods which encourages students to find out solutions and develop critical thinking abilities. During discussion, all participants speak to each other, explore, exchange views, and learn from each other, students from teacher, teacher from students. Discussion is a situation where students and teacher can and do make an open, equal and personal response to a book, current social problem, fashion, films, politics etc. which needs interpretation to take it beyond a factual statement. In a good discussion, most members of the group feel willing able to speak when appropriate.

Even in a group where everybody contributes, there will be people who talk more than others. Dominant members of groups are often able and energetic people, whose initiative can be used for other group members, either in the ideas they contribute to general discussion, or in some special assignments, extra research or short lectures they can undertake. Silent member or people who speak rarely in a discussion can be silent as a way of showing disapproval of what the rest of the group are saying or they can be shy, diffident or lazy or because they prefer to listen to other people rather than to talk themselves. Problems of over-dominant and too silent students can be solved by splitting the group into smaller groups for some part of the class time. People who never speak in the large group can say a lot in the smaller one.

Before discussion, you can encourage your student to prepare for it. They can think about a topic, read some materials and write notes and comments. It is normal that for the first couple of minutes, the discussion is slow and difficult to manage, but if your students are prepared for it and you create a friendly atmosphere, it can soon warm up. If your aim is a discussion which involves everyone, it is important to range chairs in a circle. It is the best way as people can see each other and speak together easily than in sitting lecture- style in straight lines.